Get Involved
Get in touch if you would like to partner with us, or volunteer for any of the projects listed below. We look forward to your contribution to the 100% Athens mission!
Community Engagement
Our community engagement plan includes the formation of a Citizens Equity Committee, town hall style conversations, coffee meetings with residents, attendance of neighborhood meetings, teach-in workshops, presentations at local events, canvassing and digital outreach. For details about upcoming events and actions, please contact us.

Fundraising for Renewable Energy Projects
A 100% transition needs 100% funding between now and 2035. Help us find and secure public, local and federal funds to keep this project on track. We have already secured Special Options Local Sales Tax funding, as of November 2019. This initial phase will allow us to accomplish around 25% of our goal. The SPLOST 2020 Citizens Advisory Committee selected this project as part of a shortlist recommended to the Mayor & Commission for consideration. The final vote on the funding of 100% Athens' Renewable Energy Project (Project #11) was passed by public referendum in November 2019. We will be pursuing other public funding and grants, so if you think you can help us, please contact us.

Solarize Athens 2.0
Solarize Athens 2.0 is the next phase of Solarize Athens (the first of which was completed in 2016) This project is a public-private partnership and community-based solar panel bulk-purchasing program that allows homeowners, businesses and nonprofits in the Athens Metropolitan Area to save on the cost of solar together. 100% Athens and supporters will be collaborating with this initiative to help ensure a just and equitable transition to renewable energy for all Athens residents. If you would like to support us with this project, please contact us.

Renewable energy is a rapidly expanding sector and in order for 100% Athens to strategize to deliver its optimal benefits to all members of our community we would appreciate help with our ongoing research. If you would like to help us unearth valuable data, research, articles and other information, and/or would like to help us organize/analyze such information, please contact us.